Poker Trail Ride
The Poker Trail Ride helps fund the Tough Enough to Wear Pink mission of funding breast cancer awareness and support in Montana. The Poker Run will be based on Five Card game, nothing wild, with the opportunity to have a one-time, one-card draw at the end of the ride for an additional $5.00 fee or an additional toy donation. In the event of a tied hand (s), there will be a one-card deal until the best hand wins. NW Poker Rides, Trail Riding & Horse Camping has 1,644 members. Here is a group for posting Poker Rides, Trail Rides & Horse Camping! Feel free to post poker rides, trail rides & camping sites, or ask questions. Let us know the good & bad. There will be no drama allowed, no badgering others, no putting others down, no harassing, no bullying.
2020 OETRA Calendar
In the beautiful Tahoe National Forest, Gold Country Trails Council hosted one of the oldest and best attended Poker Rides in northern California. In addition to being the main fund raiser for the Trails Council, it provided a memorable event to meet old and new friends, eat wonderful home-made food, and win loads of exquisite prizes!
These dates are subject to change due to weather and/or conflicts with other rides across the state. Please contact Janis Baldwin ( to add others rides and activities. More details will be added in. This is the master calendar and a link is on our Facebook page.Rides marked with *asterisks are considered our ‘Big Rides’ and usually require a small fee to participate. Fees cover the costs of food, drinks, prizes, etc. If the state or federal websites are hard to navigate, be sure to go to Trail Systems and look up the park. There are probably some helpful instructions!
February 8 – Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association Cherokee WMA Tahlequah workday. Contact LeeAnn Dreadfulwater,
February 12-18 – Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association Cedar Lake Work Week. The park will still be closed. However, they are allowing OETRA members to come in early to work. Arrive on Tuesday afternoon. Work will begin Wednesday. I would not advise arriving early. Free camping will be the duration of these specific dates. They will have us camp in a certain area that projects have been completed. We will work on the ground on Trail 4 crossing (again) adding more concrete bags and also on the steep Trail 1 outside of camp. Pruning and marking trails will be a priority as well. Contact Teri Wyatt 405.250.5558, (
February 22 - Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association Stroud Lake workday. Contact Janis Baldwin
February 28-30 Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association Arrowhead workday. Contact Sherry Robinson 918-231-9868 or
February 29 - Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association Sportsman Lake workday near Seminole. 9am-4pm. Dinner that evening. Contact Tina Hummel 405.625.6265
February 29 – Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association Foss Lake workday. Contact Glenda Scott, 580.450.0299 & Norma Saxon, 580.535.4589
March 14-15 – Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association Kiamichi Park at Hugo work weekend. Contact April Robertson, 580-579-0888

March TBD – Robbers Cave. STILL NEED AN AMBASSADOR. We also need someone to be in charge of this work week. It is our longest running work week ran by OETRA. Since 1986. Please contact Phyllis Dragus or Teri Wyatt if you would like to volunteer as Trail Ambassador or Work Week coordinator.
March 21 – Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association Great Salt Plains Just for Fun Ride. Our very first official OETRA ride here, so come out to show support for our new location! Just NW of Enid in the northern part of Oklahoma. Contact Susie Koontz
April 4 – Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association Moonlight ride at Liberty Lake, Guthrie. Will also have the drawing for the winning raffle ticket winner then. Raffle is for a Stihl battery chainsaw, Model MSA 120 C-BQ with charger and 2 batteries. Day ride and then a potluck. Contact Julie Cameron for tickets 1 for $10 or 3 for $25
April 11th - Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association Sardis Lake Just for Fun ride. Contact Kendra Staggs, 580.326.4125
April 17-19 – Just For Fun Ride Duncan Lake, OK. Contact Camelia Foster, 580.251.5824
24-26 - Roman Nose Hills Trail Ride, Watonga, OK. Three days of riding, primitive camping and meals included for one low price of $75 per person. For more information visit Roman Nose Hills Trail Ride
May 2 – Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association Kiamichi Park at Hugo Just for Fun Ride. Contact April Robertson 580-579-0888
May 2 – 14th Annual Poker Ride at Lake Carl Blackwell. Fundraiser for the LCB equestrian campgrounds and trails. The $35 entry fee includes a day pass, T-shirt and lunch, plus plenty of prizes. Signup will begin in March. Online registration will be at Lake Carl Blackwell.
May 9 - Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association Pat Mayse Just for Fun Ride. Contact Katrina Easterling 903.767.7129
May 10-14 – Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association Cedar Lake workdays (not a full week). I am staying off the weekends, since there will be more campsites available during the week. Please use first-come sites only, as reserved postings are not always up when we arrive. Or make reservations online, but the NFS cannot waive the fee through the website. You can stay as long as you like, but the above dates will be the only ones agreed to as ‘free camping’ for workers. Teri Wyatt 405.250.5558,
May 30 – Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association Just for Fun Ride at Cherokee WMA. Contact LeeAnn Dreadfulwater,
*June 5-7 – Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association National Trails Day Ride at Cedar Lake We are moving the ride to Cedar Lake this year. Since we all missed getting to ride during the Fall, we have decided to make Cedar Lake our spring ride location instead of Robbers Cave. Make your reservations online through

Aug 21-23: For Stroud Lake: No horseback riding! That is a sanctioned OCRA race weekend (quads & dirt bikes). *September 25-27 Roman Nose Hills Trail Ride, Watonga. Three days of riding, primitive camping and meals included for one low price of $75 per person. For more information visit Roman Nose Hills Trail Ride
*October 2-4 – Trail Blazers Ride at Robbers Cave. Details to be announced.
October 17 – Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association Stroud Lake Just for Fun Ride contact Janis Baldwin, 405-204-0866 or

December 12 – Christmas Party, First Christian Church Family Life Center, 416 Manvel, Chandler OK, 12-3pm
2020 OETRA Calendar
These dates are subject to change due to weather and/or conflicts with other rides across the state. Please contact Janis Baldwin ( to add others rides and activities. More details will be added in. This is the master calendar and a link is on our Facebook page.Rides marked with *asterisks are considered our ‘Big Rides’ and usually require a small fee to participate. Fees cover the costs of food, drinks, prizes, etc. If the state or federal websites are hard to navigate, be sure to go to Trail Systems and look up the park. There are probably some helpful instructions!
February 8 – Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association Cherokee WMA Tahlequah workday. Contact LeeAnn Dreadfulwater,
February 12-18 – Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association Cedar Lake Work Week. The park will still be closed. However, they are allowing OETRA members to come in early to work. Arrive on Tuesday afternoon. Work will begin Wednesday. I would not advise arriving early. Free camping will be the duration of these specific dates. They will have us camp in a certain area that projects have been completed. We will work on the ground on Trail 4 crossing (again) adding more concrete bags and also on the steep Trail 1 outside of camp. Pruning and marking trails will be a priority as well. Contact Teri Wyatt 405.250.5558, (
February 22 - Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association Stroud Lake workday. Contact Janis Baldwin
February 28-30 Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association Arrowhead workday. Contact Sherry Robinson 918-231-9868 or
February 29 - Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association Sportsman Lake workday near Seminole. 9am-4pm. Dinner that evening. Contact Tina Hummel 405.625.6265
February 29 – Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association Foss Lake workday. Contact Glenda Scott, 580.450.0299 & Norma Saxon, 580.535.4589
March 14-15 – Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association Kiamichi Park at Hugo work weekend. Contact April Robertson, 580-579-0888
March TBD – Robbers Cave. STILL NEED AN AMBASSADOR. We also need someone to be in charge of this work week. It is our longest running work week ran by OETRA. Since 1986. Please contact Phyllis Dragus or Teri Wyatt if you would like to volunteer as Trail Ambassador or Work Week coordinator.
March 21 – Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association Great Salt Plains Just for Fun Ride. Our very first official OETRA ride here, so come out to show support for our new location! Just NW of Enid in the northern part of Oklahoma. Contact Susie Koontz
April 4 – Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association Moonlight ride at Liberty Lake, Guthrie. Will also have the drawing for the winning raffle ticket winner then. Raffle is for a Stihl battery chainsaw, Model MSA 120 C-BQ with charger and 2 batteries. Day ride and then a potluck. Contact Julie Cameron for tickets 1 for $10 or 3 for $25
April 11th - Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association Sardis Lake Just for Fun ride. Contact Kendra Staggs, 580.326.4125
April 17-19 – Just For Fun Ride Duncan Lake, OK. Contact Camelia Foster, 580.251.5824
24-26 - Roman Nose Hills Trail Ride, Watonga, OK. Three days of riding, primitive camping and meals included for one low price of $75 per person. For more information visit Roman Nose Hills Trail Ride
May 2 – Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association Kiamichi Park at Hugo Just for Fun Ride. Contact April Robertson 580-579-0888
May 2 – 14th Annual Poker Ride at Lake Carl Blackwell. Fundraiser for the LCB equestrian campgrounds and trails. The $35 entry fee includes a day pass, T-shirt and lunch, plus plenty of prizes. Signup will begin in March. Online registration will be at Lake Carl Blackwell.
Poker Run Trail Ride
May 9 - Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association Pat Mayse Just for Fun Ride. Contact Katrina Easterling 903.767.7129
May 10-14 – Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association Cedar Lake workdays (not a full week). I am staying off the weekends, since there will be more campsites available during the week. Please use first-come sites only, as reserved postings are not always up when we arrive. Or make reservations online, but the NFS cannot waive the fee through the website. You can stay as long as you like, but the above dates will be the only ones agreed to as ‘free camping’ for workers. Teri Wyatt 405.250.5558,

*June 5-7 – Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association National Trails Day Ride at Cedar Lake We are moving the ride to Cedar Lake this year. Since we all missed getting to ride during the Fall, we have decided to make Cedar Lake our spring ride location instead of Robbers Cave. Make your reservations online through
Poker Rides Trail Rides Montana Spring 2019
– VP Teri Wyatt would love for OETRA members to join her in Colorado at the M Lazy C Ranch west of Woodland Park at Lake George, CO. Let her know if you’re interested. Reservations will have to made by individuals.Aug 21-23: For Stroud Lake: No horseback riding! That is a sanctioned OCRA race weekend (quads & dirt bikes). *September 25-27 Roman Nose Hills Trail Ride, Watonga. Three days of riding, primitive camping and meals included for one low price of $75 per person. For more information visit Roman Nose Hills Trail Ride
*October 2-4 – Trail Blazers Ride at Robbers Cave. Details to be announced.
October 17 – Oklahoma Equestrian Trail Riders Association Stroud Lake Just for Fun Ride contact Janis Baldwin, 405-204-0866 or
*November 6-9 – Fall Color Ride at Cedar Lake. details to be announced
December 12 – Christmas Party, First Christian Church Family Life Center, 416 Manvel, Chandler OK, 12-3pm